Accident - Collision with a tree
While negotiating a right-hand bend at excessive speed, a car driver ended up on the wrong side of the road. The driver then countersteered with excessive force, causing the car to lose stability and end up on the unpaved verge. The driver again attempted to countersteer, this time causing the car to skid.The rear right door area of the car collided with a tree next to the road. The rear head airbag, which was also deployed, was of no use to the child strapped into the child seat because, due to the small size of the child, the child slipped through under the airbag.
Vehicle: Car
Consequences/injuries: The child in the rear seat on the right was killed when the car collided with the tree. The driver and his passenger suffered serious injuries.
Cause/problem: Inappropriate speed. Inappropriate reactions by the driver
Avoidance measures, mitigation of consequences/ strategy for road safety measures:
- Keeping within the speed limit and drive in a manner appropriate for the road and weather conditions.
- Within the limits of what is physically possible, ESP could have helped to avoid the accident or reduce the severity of the consequences.
- No trees directly next to the road; installing protective systems on existing trees.